Sunday, December 13, 2009
End of the Year
I also had a cold that lasted several days. Last weekend I went to Cedar Lakes in Ripley and took some great surface embroidery classes. The weather wasn't too bad but after the first night we woke up to snow and some car windows that were frozen shut. I also woke up that morning with a slight sore throat, but the chai that Jill brought was nice and warm and extremely soothing. That night, however, it broke out into a full-blown sinus, head cold. Sunday morning Becky went to the store for me and I took some liquid cold medicine. It took the edge off but I really felt horrible the rest of the day.
Sunday afternoon I left Ripley and was on my way to visit my sister, Brenda, in Dunbar. I was just about to her exit and she cancelled on me. Not sure why but I just headed on home. I got a little more than half-way there and the engine in my car died. We got it towed home and after having the mechanics look at it realized the whole engine needs to be replaced. Not a good thing to happen any time, but even worse just before the holidays. Guess it will be a light Christmas.
This weekend we had our TANA Christmas party on Saturday. It was totally amazing! The food was Italian and delicious. I think I got the best gift of the whole exchange. It was made by Rachel Craycraft. It was a beautiful basket and she had stitched a wonderful oval flower arrangement on it. Inside was a hardanger needlecase and an embroidered scissor case. Absolutely wonderful! I got my picture taken on Santa's lap which hasn't happened since I was just a toddler. The table favors Becky and Rick made were great, too.
After that party, I had to go to my niece's 17th birthday party. Pizza and cake make a great party as well.
Today, we went to church and listened to a guest speaker, Willard Willis. He writes books as well and told us today that he has been preaching and traveling for over 50 years. He does a great sermon. Afterwards we had a wondeful dinner. We are baptists so you'd have to just expect great food would be involved.
So, this evening we finally put up the tree and decorated. Emma just went to bed so Phoebe, Alyssa and I are going to attempt to make an edible gingerbread cake. It will surely not be as lovely as the one Marsha brought to the TANA party, but we will have fun nonetheless.
Sorry there aren't any photos with this post but I do have a lot of them to add and hope to do that soon.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Craft Fair Ideas
I think even Ben would be proud of me. (Actually, he probably wouldn't give a s*&^ one way or the other but a girl can dream, huh?) Anyway, it holds the frame down as required and that is all that really matters anyway, isn't it?
I started working on some Christmas pieces as well. These aren't cross stitch related but they are hand-stitched anyways. I found these fabrics at Hobby Lobby and they just called out to me and desperately needed to be used in a project of some type. I think this works pretty well. I think Nick and his dad are going to work on making stained dowel rods with decorative end pieces for this and another project. Hope they finish them before the holidays.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Stitching Related Activity

B: OK. That sure does look like you but it still doesn't look like a SRA. What does hammering into a piece of plastic have to do with stitching?
J: Well, stitching involves placing thread into holes in the fabric. Maybe we are stitching something through the holes I'm making.
B: I don't believe that at all. Where's my yogurt snack?
J: Here you go. Can I go to bed now?
B: No. I still don't believe you were stitching and still don't believe you were with Becky and Debbie. Do you have more photos?
J: Of course. Here's another one:

J: Yes, that is rice. I can't tell you what she's doing.
B: Right the crazy mind reading thing. You aren't doing very good at convincing me you were actually doing something productive instead of coming home on time and feeding me my snack, which was delicious by the way. Thank you very much.
J: You are welcome. Would you like to see another picture?
B: Of course I would. I have a feeling there is much more to the story than this.
J: OK. Here's one of Debbie:
B: That's not Debbie. She's taller than that.
J: OOPS. Well, that's me of course. I pushed the wrong button.
B: And what is that you are drinking at the SRA?
J: Uhh, root beer.
B: You expect me to believe that? I wasn't born yesterday. That looks like beer.
J: But you know me better than that.
B: You didn't come home until midnight and you want me to think you were just drinking root beer, hanging out with the girls, eating Mexican food?
J: Yes.
B: I still don't believe you. Where's the photo of Debbie?
J: Here it is:
B: She looks like she's as tired of listening to your story as I am.
J: She's tired because we were working late and I kept taking pictures. See how hard she's working?
B: Yes, and she actually looks like she is stitching.
J: She is. We were.
B: It's getting very late and I'm very tired. Do you have any more photos?
J: No. No, I don't. Not right now.
B: You DO! Show me!!!
J: I can't. After we give them away, then I'll show you more photos. I promise. Can I go to bed now?
B: Yes. But, remember, I am nocturnal. If I find a way out of this cage tonight, your secrets will be revealed to me!
J: You are psycho.
B: You are the one talking to a rat.
J: You are right. Good night.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Trick or Treat
Monday, October 19, 2009
Secrets revealed
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Some people like to show and tell but not have their photo taken. I completely understand. Isn't the dragon beautiful?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Little bit of stitching
I love Autumn. This is my favorite season of the whole year. It's the only season that I think has it's own smell. The colors are beautiful and the air is cool and refreshing. Also, Thanksgiving and Halloween are my fave holidays besides Christmas. I love decorating for the fall with leaves, pumpkins, and all the scary ghosts and goblins. I love pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie. I know Winter is on it's way and that is my least favorite of all because my body reacts badly to the cold.
Nick and I went to see Zombieland. Woody Harrelson is in it and Bill Murray has a short scene or two. It was absolutely the funniest movie I've seen in ages. There were several times in the movie when the whole audience applauded.
I took Nick to get xrays on Friday morning. No breaks or fractures thank goodness. He has to take a week off of football and that really bothers him. They only have a couple of games left and he'll have to sit out the one next week.
I go to my doctor Tuesday morning to hopefully find out the results from the three MRIs I've had done. I'm thinking that the final diagnosis will be MS since that runs in my family and I've had problems for years. It could be something less but I've always done better in life when I contemplate and prepare for the worse, that way if it's anything else, well, all the better and if it turns out to the worst, then I'm ready for that. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I'll keep everyone updated.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Emma and the dog
Penny Rug
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Watching them play
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Flower Biscornou
Friday, August 28, 2009
Small Projects
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Chatelaine Picture
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Rain, rain go away
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Two Large WIPs
I love doing blackwork because when there is only a backstitch or half stitch the row is finished the first time and I don't have to cross back over to complete the cross stitch. This pattern took some getting used to because it has the backstitch with one thread, a half cross stitch with one thread, full cross stitch with one thread and full cross stitch with two threads. It is a bit complicated but it really makes a great difference in the shading while still just using one color.
The next piece is my Promise Piece, Mirabilia Winter. I chose winter because I knew it would closer to that season before I finished it. Yes, winter of THIS year. I have high hopes and great expectations!
I enjoy working on this one because there are large areas of the same color. I do not enjoy patterns that call for many color changes every inch or so. This one moves along pretty quickly as well for that reason. I have the other three seasons that go with it and I'm still trying to decide which wall to hang it on. I would frame all four the same way and just change them as the seasons change. Appropriate, huh?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Christmas Stitching
I am still working on my Promise Piece but since it is a large piece I like to work on these smaller projects so I will have things finished each month. I like that feeling that I've accomplished something. When working on a large piece and even getting to stitch on it for a long time, I still don't get that same feeling as I do when something is "finished".
I just got the Feed Bag Buddies back from the framer but don't want to post a photo until I can bring it for Show and Tell next month. It was going to go in Nick's room since I made it for him, but we decided to hang it in the living room for now since it is the only large piece I've finished and framed for the new house. I'm anxious to put it in the show in the fall. I know I don't stand a chance winning anything for it if it's in the same category as Becky's Civil War piece, but I will still enjoy seeing it on display and having it judged.
Well, it's Monday so it is cleaning day. I always have to clean on Monday. I don't like to clean on the weekend when the house is full of "those people"*. Also, because I'd had Alyssa since Wednesday and we had too much fun to clean. I also went to the bible conference at my church all three days and the origami class at the library on Saturday, so that left little time in between as well. So, today is Monday, cleaning day, and here I am "wasting time" on the internet. Well, just leave me alone. I can clean house anytime today. Right now I want to spend some time with my family and friends sharing some small parts of my life. That's important too, you know. It's not like I'm just looking for any reason at all possible to not clean. Really. I promise.
*My family, of course.