B: OK. That sure does look like you but it still doesn't look like a SRA. What does hammering into a piece of plastic have to do with stitching?
J: Well, stitching involves placing thread into holes in the fabric. Maybe we are stitching something through the holes I'm making.
B: I don't believe that at all. Where's my yogurt snack?
J: Here you go. Can I go to bed now?
B: No. I still don't believe you were stitching and still don't believe you were with Becky and Debbie. Do you have more photos?
J: Of course. Here's another one:

J: Yes, that is rice. I can't tell you what she's doing.
B: Right the crazy mind reading thing. You aren't doing very good at convincing me you were actually doing something productive instead of coming home on time and feeding me my snack, which was delicious by the way. Thank you very much.
J: You are welcome. Would you like to see another picture?
B: Of course I would. I have a feeling there is much more to the story than this.
J: OK. Here's one of Debbie:
B: That's not Debbie. She's taller than that.
J: OOPS. Well, that's me of course. I pushed the wrong button.
B: And what is that you are drinking at the SRA?
J: Uhh, root beer.
B: You expect me to believe that? I wasn't born yesterday. That looks like beer.
J: But you know me better than that.
B: You didn't come home until midnight and you want me to think you were just drinking root beer, hanging out with the girls, eating Mexican food?
J: Yes.
B: I still don't believe you. Where's the photo of Debbie?
J: Here it is:
B: She looks like she's as tired of listening to your story as I am.
J: She's tired because we were working late and I kept taking pictures. See how hard she's working?
B: Yes, and she actually looks like she is stitching.
J: She is. We were.
B: It's getting very late and I'm very tired. Do you have any more photos?
J: No. No, I don't. Not right now.
B: You DO! Show me!!!
J: I can't. After we give them away, then I'll show you more photos. I promise. Can I go to bed now?
B: Yes. But, remember, I am nocturnal. If I find a way out of this cage tonight, your secrets will be revealed to me!
J: You are psycho.
B: You are the one talking to a rat.
J: You are right. Good night.