I was a mega-stitching, power-stitching, needle moving mama this weekend! I learned how to create a very pretty fabric-folded project. I'm not sure what I will use them for yet but I have several ideas in mind. With a bead added to the center I could make a dressy pin to wear on my blouse. One lady placed hers on a totebag and did embellishments to make it look like the bloom on a flower. A small one could be the end of a bookmark with a tassel on the other end. The possibilities are endless.
While I didn't get any project "finished" I made a lot of progress towards my goals. I worked on the Feed Bag Buddies and used the weekend to fill in all the spaces where there were only two or three stitches in one area, end and cut the thread and off to the next area where there is only one or two stitches, end and cut, etc. Each area that was filled in made me so anxious to get to the next that it is nearly finished. There is a small section of the seeds that need to be finished and then I'll add his whiskers, finish his head, finish the bird and do the background. The end is in sight!

When I took a break from the big room and headed off to the quiet of my own room, I worked on some small items. This is the front of a 3 inch ruler that I will finish into a thread bobbin or scissor fob. I had started a blackwork design for the back the night before but on the second night, after drinking a wine cooler, I found that I had made a mistake. I had also worked on two squares I had hoped to make into a biscornou only to find out that instead of squares I had rectangles. Maybe I should drink the wine cooler BEFORE I stitch? Who knows?
Well, I did get some new patterns at the retreat so I have more items to add to my TO DO list. Blackwork is my favorite type of patterns to stitch so after I finish a few of the current items on my list I will start on a blackwork three-story victorian house. I don't know what color I want to do it in, though. The design is in green but I may change that to match something in my house. I guess I should decide which room it will go into first.
The guys were happy to see me. I made spaghetti for dinner so they were actually VERY happy to have me home. Should I tell them that I've already made reservations for the fall retreat? No. Let's keep that between us. For now anyway.