I actually haven't done any stitching on my large WIPs, but I have been able to complete several small ones. With Nick back in school I have a bit more time for stitching. The stitch-ins that we have helps a lot as well. The last Christmas stitch-in required that I work on something for Christmas (duh) so Lanna showed me how to make the spider to put on the tree. Voila! Christmas stitching project complete!
I'm also still going through the patterns and kits I got while in Nashville and have completed a set of scissor fobs. I'm still on the blackwork phase of stitching at the moment so now these are finished.
The next scissor fob is one that I had done in the past but lost in the fire. Since helping Lanna organize her storage room I found a few perks were involved. One of them was having full access to her patterns and supplies. So, she set me up with all the materials and I finished this one:
I don't know that I actually have as many scissors as I have scissor fobs but that isn't the point, is it? I can change them occasionally and so, never get bored.
I've also been working on my family tree. When it's complete I think I'd love to stitch the names and dates as far back as I can find. Right now I'm working on my dad's side of the family (thanks Dad for helping!) and I'm back to my grandfather's grandfather who was a Sergeant for the Union in the Civil War. It's very exciting to find all the history of the people in my bloodline. I'm new to this and now I understand why every time I go to the library there are people there searching for their ancestors. I'm taking the easy way right now and just using ancestry.com but they have a lot of information available and organize the information quite well.
Nick had his first scrimmage game last night but they didn't keep score. They had the 7th graders play on one side of the field and the 8th graders on the other. Nick was in on several tackles. He says this is his best year yet. I think part of the reason is that he is in the best physical condition he's ever been in. He had a growth spurt and is now much taller but hasn't gained more weight. He is looking forward to the season getting started and wearing the jersey of The Fighting Tigers! I need to get an Ironton t-shirt and one of those comfy stadium chairs with the back on it. I'll be all set then!