Nick and I went to spend a few days with my dad, Ray Unrue and my stepmom, Carolyn in Buckhannon, WV. We had a wonderful time. The weather was amazing. We had fun just sitting on the front porch and visiting. I went through a lot of old family pictures that my dad had and brought a bunch home for the photo album. He also gave me an antique Singer sewing machine that had belonged to my great-grandmother.

The courthouse was decorated for the 4th of July. We walked along Main Street and wandered into two antique stores. I love doing that.

We took dad's boat out and went to Stonewall Jacksone Lake. It's the largest lake in WV. It was all man-made but wonderously beautiful. We were on the boat for awhile. Dad even let me drive but the photo didn't come out. Nick can be my witness, though. He has the red knuckles as proof.
This is my dad getting the boat hooked up to the truck. See the license plate? My dad loves his truck. He designed the stingray picture on the side of the boat.

The flag is at half-mast in honor of Senator Byrd's death.
Dad and Nick getting ready for us to set sail.

Nick is having fun. He just doesn't like getting his picture taken. When you see Nick, ask him how he likes carp. At the lake, you can buy bags of dog food and feed it to the fish. I fed them and even petted a few. Nick thought that looked like fun so he got down to pet them, too. One of them must not have liked it very well. It flipped its tail and splashed Nick right in the face. He stood up, his face, hair and shirt soaked mumbling, "Stupid fish." I wish I'd taken a picture of that.

Carolyn doesn't like getting her picture taken either, but I said "please?" so there we are.
On Friday, we had lunch at a steakhouse. They had the most delicious fries. Then, we went to see Eclipse. Dad didn't like it and Nick fell asleep. Carolyn and I LOVED it. I guess that's why it's called a "chick flick". Carolyn even caught an Eclipse t-shirt an usher threw into the crowd.
It was hard to pack up and leave but everyone back home was in need of "mom" and "mamaw" to be there. Dad and Carolyn are coming to visit soon and Nick and I will probably make it back up before summer's over.
I love you, Dad and miss you.