Some ladies worked on items not even remotely related to stitching, but crafty nonetheless. Marilyn from Maryland and her daughter, Marge, worked on glitter gift cards that they will actually send in the mail to some lucky recipients. Not enough people do that anymore, myself included.
Becky learned how to make a spiral necklace thanks to yours truly. I just saw it yesterday and she is finished with it. It is absolutely beautiful! Great job, Becky!
After the retreat I headed to Buckhannon for the next Family Reunion. When I got there I found this waiting for me. Isn't that just too cool! It made me feel so special.

That handsome man is my dad, Ray Unrue. We went to see Case 39. He took me to the Stitching House where I found some cute paper doll fabric, and we went for a drive in the country so I could take pictures of the trees changing color. I always have so much fun with him.

And this beautiful lady standing with me is Carolyn, my step-mom. She went way out of her way to make me wonderfully delicious meals. I would never go hungry there, that's for sure. My first day there she made a roast with potatoes and carrots and my dad made the biscuits. I have to make sure I give him credit for the biscuits since he kept reminding me that HE is the one who made them. lol The next day she made Manicotti. I hope I spelled that right. It was amazing. I am a pasta kind of girl anyway, so she knew my weakness.
After I spent an extra day at my dad's, I headed back home stopping in South Charleston just long enough to pick up my sister, Brenda. She came back home and spent the night with me. We had a blast! We took her to Applebee's for dinner and then we stayed up late watching horror movies. She brought us wonderful gifts. Phoebe and I got earrings, the girls got candy and Nick got a t-shirt. She was so thoughtful.
Aside from stitching I also helped paint the living room. It was white before. I really like it but Nick says it's ugly. He just liked it white. He doesn't like change.
Well, that is all for now. I have two loads of laundry waiting and a pot of vegie beef soup to get ready for the fam. They were on their own last night and ate Wendy's.